House Meetings
Rally Call house meetings are all about relationship and fellowship! Our vision is to see house meetings all over the Central Texas region.
We desire to see those who know us and are actively connected to us to open their homes and host or to lead house meetings. Many of God’s people are seeking to develop real friendships, to be a part of a small casual group that meets regularly, to pray for each other, to learn together in that kind of setting, or to do outreach or community service together. The possibilities are endless as Gods people seek Him about what HIS goal is for their group!
Whatever YOU have in your heart, you don’t have to be alone, isolated or disconnected from something bigger than just your group. Get to know us. Our hearts are open to those who desire to host and not lead, to birth a group or to lead a group in your area. If you already lead a house meeting but want to be relationally connected to an apostolic covering (covering is not smothering!) then just talk to us and we can get to know each other. Once we get to know each other, we can provide spiritual covering , training and connection as the Lord guides.
We take house meetings seriously because we recognize the reality that house meetings ARE an expression of THE Church, the Ecclesia of the Lord and THAT gives them great value! No two should be alike as the gifts of God are allowed to express in small gatherings.
Talk to us!
Matthew 18:20: “For Where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst”
Rom.16:3-5 –“ Greet Priscilla and Aquilla …and greet the church that is in their house. “
Colossians 4:15-“Greet the brethren who are in Laodicea and also Nympha and the church that is in her house…”